There comes a time in your life, when you are asked to make a choice.
The choice of claiming your life as your own, or to simply abide to the circumstances you have been given.
There will rise a call from deep within, and you will come to stand face to face with your soul.
And at that particular moment, you will be asked..
“are you willing to do what it takes to call yourself back home?”
And if you say yes, even as your heart trembles .. the branches of the trees will bow down to touch your feet, the winds will howl, the waves will crash to the shores, and the moon will shine her benevolent light on your face.
And as you stand there, not knowing how – where or when, the path will open up right before your eyes .. as you begin the journey back to yourself .. step by step.
Celebrated and supported by all of existence, humming this song
‘she is returning .. she is returning ‘
_Leena Rebeka