You are here to make a difference.
You feel called forth to light up the world with your work and serve others.
It’s an expression of who you are and what you’ve created.
And yet … in those empty moments, when you get really silent, there is this longing.
A feeling, a sensation, hard to capture in words.
As if something else is waiting to unfold.
Something bigger than you could ever imagine.
Beyond your mind.
You ask yourself:
Am I still on the right path?
Is there another path I do not see yet?
And you know, deep inside, that it is time for a change.
Time to do the work you are meant to do.
But where do you start?
And what is the right path for you?
You begin to doubt again.
You feel overwhelmed.
And then…
You hit the snooze button…
And continue with your business the way you have always done.
To hold on to what you’ve created and to what people know you for.
You dim your natural light…
There is one thing I know:
You are exactly where you need to be.
You can never get it wrong.
All the steps of the past have primed you for where you are today.
It’s time to take ownership of that and appreciate everything you’ve done so far.
For believing in yourself and your passion.
For making choices that nobody understood.
For taking risks.
For trusting yourself when no one else would.
For the times you wanted to give up and kept going in spite of yourself.
For being crazy enough to think you could change the world and make an impact.
It’s time to step into the fullness of who you are and what you stand for.
It’s time to listen to the ultimate call of your Soul.
It’s time to take that leap and start living from where you truly come alive.
Love, Marianne